Shark Bait (Grab Your Pole #1)

Shark Bait (Grab Your Pole #1) - Jenn Cooksey Find more of my reviews at www.readingangel.comI expected Shark Bait to be a fun romance that was a few hours of entertainment. While I got what I expected, I also got a lot more. Camie and Tristan's story was hilarious, full of a cast of character that I instantly fell in love with, and moments that were absolutely memorable. Jenn Cooksey's humor shines through on every page. She is one funny girl, and that is made more than evident through all of her characters. There is not a single chapter that goes by without quick witted dialogue. Even the chapter titles are hilarious. I can't count the times I laughed out loud while reading this book. I was waiting on my son at the bus stop one day and cackled so loud that I got a very strange look from all the other parents. One of my favorite things about Shark Bait was all of the characters and their relationships. First off you have Camie and Tristan. I love that this is not a perfect relationship. They do not just hook up at the beginning of the book, they are not instantly in love (maybe lust...), and things are not always perfect in fairytale world. They fight, work at it, compromise! WHAT IS THAT?!?!? Am I really reading that in a YA book??? Come again??Camie and Tristan are just the tip of the relationship iceberg though. I love so many relationships in this book, and not just dating ones. The parental relationship is AMAZING. Camie and Jillian have THE BEST PARENTS EVER! I was taking notes (not kidding). Also, Jillian is one of the best little sisters to ever grace the pages of a book. I am terrified and amazed of this young girl. The friendships between Kate and Camie, Tristan and Jeff, and all the others, were so dynamic that I just felt like I was there, hanging out and being a part of this amazing group of people.A few enticing tidbits if you aren't convinced yet. There is a Wall of Infamy - it includes things like bras and breakfast orders. You must read to find out more about that, and trust me, you want to. There are 2 of the most adorable kittens ever, and they are adopted by pure sexy. There are so many Buffy quotes that I lost count. My love of Buffy knows no bounds, so that is such a win. Also, a lot of other pop culture reference, but they pale in the brightness of Buffy - just sayin. If all of that didn't convince you, then you are crazy. Go, get the book, read it. Come back and thank me later! Also - "To read makes our speaking English good." - so there's that incentive as well!Favorite Quotes: "His name is Tristan Daniels. He's beautiful and I'll hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him, and call him George. Hey! Maybe you can be a groomsman in our wedding," "You know, you never called me, you naughty, naughty boy." Yeah. She actually used the word "naughty." Twice. She should be banned from the use of language altogether.